Introduction to Mensa Gifted Youth

In the context of Mensa, both children and adults are referred to as “gifted” if they have scored within the top 2% of the population on a recognised intelligence test. 

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How is giftedness in children and young people defined?

There are many definitions but here is one that is often quoted:

How is giftedness in children and young people defined?

There are many definitions, but here is one that is often quoted:

“Students, children or youth who give evidence of high achievement capability in areas such as intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership capacity, or in specific academic fields, and who need services and activities not normally provided by the school in order to develop those capabilities.”

Jacob Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act

U.S. Congress, 1988

Why do really smart kids need support?

In Mensa, we believe that whether children and students have learning difficulties, average intelligence or an IQ in the top 2% of the population, they will all benefit from the appropriate kind of help along the way in order for them to reach their full potential.

While some children find certain academic subjects to be rather challenging, not feeling challenged enough is the problem that gifted children often have to cope with.

It is often the case that school personnel do not have the training or resources to provide additional teaching support for students at either end of the academic ability scale. For gifted students, lack of academic challenge can lead to long periods of boredom, which in turn can lead to indifference, disillusionment and disengagement – to the extent that gifted students skip classes and, in some cases, quit school altogether.

They also benefit from intellectual and social connection with like-minded peers. Finding others who share their interests, level of understanding and sense of humour can be essential for gifted students to feel understood and accepted. Peer relationships help nurture vital social skills and allow gifted children to express themselves fully without fear of judgement. Without these connections, gifted children may feel isolated and out of sync, potentially leading to social difficulties and hindering their overall development.

“Twice-exceptional” children and young people face additional challenges.

When an individual not only demonstrates giftedness but also possesses one or more learning differences, physical disabilities, or disturbances (neurodevelopmental or other), they are referred to as “twice-exceptional” or “2E”. These individuals exhibit cognitive abilities well above average, alongside challenges in learning, behaviour or emotions that necessitate additional support.

Mensa Gifted Youth programs provide children and young people with the extra support they often need to develop their individual capabilities – additional assistance that we believe all students worldwide should receive.

Mensa Gifted Youth Resources

Hot Topic Sheets

Hot Topic Sheets are for gifted youth coordinators, families, and educators who work with gifted children and youth. These downloadable handouts provide information and suggested resources to support the interests and development of creative and advanced learners.

Summary of Hot Topics Sheets by the Gifted Youth Committee

1. Top 5 STEM Activities for Gifted Youth

Gifted traits such as curiosity, creativity, problem-solving skills, abstract thinking, and persistence can be nurtured through STEM activities. Projects are an effective way to get students involved in authentic STEM practices. Engagement in authentic projects helps gifted students develop their STEM skills and prepares them for future education and careers in these high-needs fields.

PDF Link

2. Twice-Exceptional Children

Gifted children may also experience one or more associated issues: physical deficits, neurodevelopmental disorders or other neurodiversities. In this case, the child is defined as twice-exceptional (2E). It is important to promptly recognise the presence of twice exceptionality, so that the necessary support can be provided. The diagnosis may be complex, as the child’s high intelligence may compensate for the deficit, and because every 2E child has unique characteristics.

PDF Link in English
PDF Link in Italian

3. Engaging Gifted Youth with ChatGPT for Creative and Critical Thinking

The integration of ChatGPT into the educational toolkit offers more than just academic benefits: it prepares gifted children for the challenges of the future. By engaging with this platform, students enhance their problem-solving capabilities and cultivate an analytical mindset essential for navigating the complexities of the modern world.

PDF Link in English
PDF Link in Chinese

4. Five Myths About Gifted Students

Gifted students can sometimes be the target of myths or prejudice. These are the main ones: gifted students are top of the class;  they are brilliant at maths;  they don’t need special help at school; they are encouraged by their parents; and they have behavioural or relational issues.

PDF Link in English
PDF Link in Italian

Mensa Gifted Youth

Mensa International has a Gifted Youth Committee, which is an appointed team of people from across the world who support the needs of gifted youth in the areas of education, policy and advocacy. In general, they work to support gifted youth initiatives and to provide a centralised body that facilitates the exchange of practices, ideas and information about gifted youth programs in national Mensas. In addition, they assist the Mensa International Executive Committee on matters relating to gifted youth globally.

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