Privacy and Data Protection Policy

  1. We (Mensa International, hereafter MIL) will not sell or provide your personal data to third parties other than designated or authorised representatives of National Mensa groups, unless required to by a court order or judgement. The only other circumstances under which we may authorise third parties to process or store your data on our behalf are outlined below.

  2. Consent to be added to our newsletter mailing list may be presumed in the absence of express instructions to the contrary if you are an existing member of a National Mensa affiliated to MIL. This is in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (2016) [1] consideration (47) (p. 27) and Article 6 part 1. (f) (p. 119). Our mailing list is stored on a third-party server.

  3. Consent to be included on our newsletter mailing list may be revoked by any subject at any time by expressing to MIL a wish to be removed or unsubscribed from it either in writing or by electronic communication from a verifiable source.

  4. Consent for us to retain any electronic, postal, telephone-based and live communications made to MIL, and / or notes or other records of these, analogue or digital, in the legitimate interest of our ability to efficiently serve your needs as a member whether in the present or in the future, will be presumed in the absence of express instructions to the contrary at or after the time that the communications occur.

  5. Consent for us to retain such communications or records thereof may be revoked by any subject at any time by asserting in writing to MIL the right to be forgotten. In such circumstances, we will make every effort to permanently destroy all such records within a period not exceeding sixty (60) working days.

  6. We reserve the right to share data, where that is necessary, with a trusted book-keeping service and payroll provider.

  7. We reserve the right to outsource telephone answering duties to a trusted call-minding service provider.

  8. We may on occasion outsource work or liaison duties to trusted individuals or companies not in our direct employment. These individuals / companies will have agreed to abide by our own privacy and data protection policy.

  9. Individuals with whom we have had contact have the right to request a copy of the personal data that we hold about them. In such cases, they will be required first to prove their identity in order to protect the true individuals regarding whom such requests are made. The time taken to process such requests will subsequently be charged at our standard hourly rate.

  10. Privacy by design is achieved by appropriate processes and regular annual training and refresher sessions for our staff to ensure that they are aware of the importance of keeping personal data private, whether the data belong to members, business affiliates, potential members or anyone else.
    This page was last updated on 1st May, 2018. Updates to this policy may be posted here from time to time.

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