Mensa Taiwan Helps with Gifted Conference

Last month, Mensa Taiwan held a very successful educational event, working with the local education department for gifted students and their parents.

Taoyuan is the youngest and most competitive city in Taiwan. The number of gifted students in primary and secondary schools is as high as 2,654. The city government invests about 16 million yuan in gifted education every year to improve teachers and environment. The quality of courses and diverse gifted services allow children to obtain local education resources and inspire students’ international perspective.

The Education Bureau stated that the “Career Development Lecture Series for Gifted Students and Parents of Taoyuan City Senior High Schools and Below” is held to allow gifted students and parents to understand the current situation of gifted education in the city and to obtain cross-disciplinary learning and career development plans. of diverse information.
The Mayor of Taoyuan, Zhang Shanzheng, encouraged students to avoid self-imposed limitations and to have the courage to devote themselves to the fields they love. As part of this career development lecture series, experts and scholars in various fields will be invited to share on diverse topics such as technology, culture, and art, helping students and parents to think beyond Taiwan’s industry when planning their careers.
Congratulations to Mensa Taiwan for their efforts to further Mensa’s purpose of fostering human intelligence for the benefit of humanity!

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